Dry Skin

About Dry Skin

Dry Skin is the flakiness of the skin on any part of the body but commonly found around the arms, legs or abdominal area.


  • Dry flakey skin
  • Yeast or fungal infections such as Candida


  • Malnutrition
  • Medications
  • Dehydration
  • Stripping of natural oils
  • Overuse and sensitivity to chemicals in products
  • Alcohol consumption


Stay well hydrated by drinking good quality water.

Use sole in water.

Replenish fatty acids.

Normal, healthy skin is coated in a thin layer of natural lipids, or fatty substances. They keep in moisture, leaving the skin soft and supple.

Use natural body lotions and creams. It is essential to use the right type of moisturizer for your skin. It is a good idea to use a moisturizer whilst your skin is still damp rather than fully dry as this will help trap moisture still on your skin. It is important that your skin is not too wet. Patting your body after a bath or shower with a towel until skin is slightly damp is ideal to help your lotion trap in the moisture whereas completely dry skin will have none to very little moisture.

Choose a fragrance and alcohol free moisturizer as these will dry out your skin.

For dry skin it is good to use a thick and greasy moisturizer to help seal moisture in the skin

To test the thickness of your moisturizer you can put some on the Palm of your hand. Flip your hand, if it is runny or drips off it is not thick enough to help dry skin.

Use natural chemical free body wash, avoid using harsh chemicals and too much soap that will strip the body of natural oils.