Healthy Tips

Natural Air Fresheners For The Toilet

While there are many products marketed to freshen the air in your toilet, especially after number 2 these toxic chemical filled deodorizers are hazardous to ...

5 Fish That You Should Not Eat

Fish is a healthy food option for omega-3s and needed for boosting heart health as well as brain functions. Why are some fish unhealthy to eat? Most fish now...

Nontoxic Healthy Cookware

Most commonly used pans are incredibly toxic for overall health. Non-stick pans (such as aluminum pans)...

Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is the practice of maintaining overall caloric intake by consuming calories in fewer meals...

Stress Busting Tips

During busy and especially stressful times we are more than likely to adopt unhealthy habits. One of the main cause for unhealthy habits is stress, usually s...

Water Distiller for Pure Water

If you want to drink pure water a water distiller might be the answer. A water distiller works by boiling water and transferring the steam droplets into a se...

Natural Sunny Vitamin D

Are you getting enough Vitamin D? If you work long hours in an office or constantly cooped up indoors chances are you rarely get enough sun which means your ...

Growing and Eating Sprouts

Sprouts are a healthy addition to any kind of diet. All grains, nuts, seeds legumes and pulses have phytic acids which need to be removed by soaking process....

Removing Toxic People from your Life

Unfortunately mental health is becoming a bigger health concern than most physical conditions. Stress whether it is from home or work is likely to contribute...

Eating Healthy on a Budget

Eating healthy can get expensive if you are trying to eat clean and organic. Here are some tips on how to reduce your costs when eating healthy:

Should I Supplement My Diet?

Due to modern day lifestyle and the increasing strains of bacteria and the number of diseases increasing it is now more important to supplement your diet. If...

How to Avoid Eating Junk Food

When we're plagued with many fast food joints it’s tough to make healthier choices. To make matters worse we are bombarded by neon signs and bright col...

Removing Bad Bacteria From Your Tongue

Every morning when you wake up there is a film or layer of bacteria built up on the surface of the tongue which often causes bad breath. Whilst brushing your...